Dynamometer - The right choice for my car and what to look out for.
Today, we're going to introduce you to one of the most impressive features of our dynometer, Dynorevolt's DR4-B2, which stands out in the market for its ability to always accurately measure horsepower even in newer 4WD cars.
One of the most important advantages of our dynamometer is its ability to not negatively affect your car's transmission during measurements. This is especially important when it comes to newer 4WD cars that have advanced 4WD systems.
In today's video we have an impressive example. We have a Mercedes A45, a car with excellent four-wheel drive and a system that is difficult to measure with conventional technology. Our dynamometer can face this challenge because it is equipped with two electrodynamic brakes and has fully connected front and rear rollers, offering solutions even for our most demanding customers, as it fully simulates road conditions.
With 4000Nm of braking torque controlled by the innovative and ultra-fast interface, they guarantee the correct load of even the most powerful cars with appropriate measurements that provide accurate and repeatable results in every measurement.
Unfortunately, older dynamometers can damage the chassis of four-wheel drive cars, but with our dynamometer, this is not a problem. We can accurately measure the horsepower of these cars without any alarming results.
If you would like to know more about our Dynamometer or schedule a test for your own car, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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